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Managing Water in River and Reservoir Systems Water Resources, Institutional Practices, and Constructed Infrastructure in Texas, 2024
- Managing Water in River and Reservoir Systems
- Dedication
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Preface
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Unit Conversions
- Chapter 1: Water Resources Management in Texas [Go to Page]
- Water Management throughout Texas and the United States
- Water Management Community [Go to Page]
- US Congress and Texas Legislature
- International and Interstate Water Managers
- Federal Water Agencies
- State Agencies
- Regional and Local Governmental and Private Entities
- Water Use in Texas
- Water Resources of Texas [Go to Page]
- Hydroclimate of Texas
- Groundwater and Surface Water
- River Basins and Streamflow
- Dams and Reservoirs [Go to Page]
- Conservation and Flood Control Storage Capacity
- Major Reservoirs
- Largest Reservoirs
- Oldest and Newest Reservoirs
- Chapter 2: Institutional Framework for River and Reservoir System Water Management [Go to Page]
- Institutional Responsibilities and Capabilities
- Reservoir Project Developers, Owners, and Managers [Go to Page]
- Inventory of Existing Major Reservoirs
- Flood Control Storage in Federal Reservoirs
- Water Supply Storage
- Hydroelectric Energy
- Recreation at Reservoir Projects
- Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program [Go to Page]
- USACE Districts
- Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Program
- USACE Planning and Development Process
- Programs and Responsibilities of Other Federal Water Agencies [Go to Page]
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- Natural Resource Conservation Service
- US Geological Survey
- National Weather Service
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Energy Agencies
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Strategies for Reducing Flood Damages [Go to Page]
- Managing Susceptibility to Flood Damages
- Economic Feasibility of Federal Flood Control Projects
- Federal and State Dam Safety Programs [Go to Page]
- Past Dam Failures Nationwide
- Dam Safety Programs
- Programs and Responsibilities of State Water Agencies [Go to Page]
- Water Resources Planning
- Water Allocation in the United States
- Texas Water Rights System
- Environmental Flow Standards
- Water Districts and River Authorities
- Cities and Towns [Go to Page]
- Water Supply and Sanitation
- Stormwater Management and Floodplain Management
- Consulting Firms and Construction Contractors
- Universities and Professional Organizations
- Other Contributors to Water Management
- Interstate Reservoirs [Go to Page]
- Lakes Texoma and Toledo Bend on State Borders
- Caddo Lake on the Texas and Louisiana Border
- Interstate River Compacts [Go to Page]
- Rio Grande Compact
- Pecos River Compact
- Canadian River Compact
- Red River Compact
- Sabine River Compact
- International Rio Grande [Go to Page]
- Water Allocation
- International Amistad and Falcon Reservoirs
- Chapter 3: Reservoir and River System Operations [Go to Page]
- Dams and Associated Facilities
- Reservoir Pools
- Maximum Design Water Surface
- Modifying Reservoir Operations [Go to Page]
- Storage Reallocations
- Storage Triggers Activating Operating Rules
- Flood Control Operations [Go to Page]
- Operations Based on Downstream Flow Rates
- Operations Based on Reservoir Inflows and Storage Levels
- Conservation Storage Operations
- Multiple-Purpose and Multiple-User Operations
- Multiple-Reservoir System Operations
- Water Rights System Allocation of Storage and Diversions [Go to Page]
- International Amistad and Falcon Reservoirs on the Rio Grande
- All Other Major Reservoirs and Rivers in Texas
- Environmental Flow Standards [Go to Page]
- Process for Establishing Environmental Flow Standards
- Structure of Environmental Flow Standards
- Erosion and Sedimentation [Go to Page]
- Reservoir Sedimentation
- Streambank and Reservoir Shoreline Erosion
- Reservoir Water Quality [Go to Page]
- Eutrophication
- Reservoir Stratification
- Salinity
- Chapter 4: Computer Databases and Modeling Systems [Go to Page]
- National Water Information System
- National Inventory of Dams
- Generalized Simulation Modeling Systems
- USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center Modeling Systems
- USACE Fort Worth District Reservoir Information
- TWDB Databases and Planning Reports
- TCEQ Water Rights Viewer
- Water Availability Modeling System
- Water Rights Analysis Package Modeling System [Go to Page]
- Generalized WRAP with Texas WAM Datasets
- Simulations and Statistical Analyses of Simulation Results
- Simulation Modes
- Chapter 5: River System Hydrology [Go to Page]
- Hydrologic Aspects of Texas Weather and Climate [Go to Page]
- Texas Weather and Climate
- Floods and Droughts
- Multiple-Year Cycles
- Long-Term Climate Change Associated with Global Warming
- Precipitation and Reservoir Evaporation Databases [Go to Page]
- Analyses of the Monthly and Annual Precipitation and Evaporation Data
- Variability and Stationarity
- Precipitation
- Reservoir Surface Evaporation
- Observed Historical River Flows [Go to Page]
- Flow Characteristics of Rivers in Arid West Texas
- River Flows in Central and East Texas
- River Flows for Natural Undeveloped Conditions [Go to Page]
- Illustrative Site in Central Texas
- Natural Flow at River Basin Outlets
- Connections between Surface and Groundwater [Go to Page]
- Investigations of Interactions between Surface and Groundwater
- TWDB Groundwater Availability Models
- Natural Salinity in the Permian Basin Region
- Chapter 6: River/Reservoir System Development [Go to Page]
- Dams and Reservoirs [Go to Page]
- Inventories of Dams and Reservoirs
- Reservoir Storage Pools
- Volumes of Water Stored in Large Reservoirs [Go to Page]
- TWDB Database
- Historical Daily Storage in Selected Reservoirs
- Summations of Historical Daily Storage in Selected River Basins
- Summations of Daily Storage in 122 Major Reservoirs
- Reservoir Storage Contents as a Drought Index [Go to Page]
- Storage Contents during 26 Years of Nearly Constant Capacity
- Reservoir Storage Volumes during Droughts
- General Observations
- Partially Understood Recent and Unknown Future Conditions
- Flood Control Storage [Go to Page]
- Thirty-Six Flood Control Reservoirs
- Peak Flood Levels
- Storage Reallocations
- Storage of Flood Waters in Conservation Pools
- Ungated Flood-Retarding Dams and Flood Detention Facilities
- Authorized Conservation Storage and Diversions
- Water Use and Reuse
- Reservoir Surface Evaporation
- Water Availability and Supply Reliability [Go to Page]
- Reliability Assessment
- Water Supply Capabilities
- Environmental Flow Standards
- WRAP/WAM Modeling System [Go to Page]
- Application of the Modeling System
- Streamflow Quantities
- Probabilistic Expressions of Likelihood, Reliability, or Frequency
- Effects of Water Development on River Flows
- Chapter 7: Water Management in Each River Basin [Go to Page]
- River Basins and Reservoirs [Go to Page]
- Major Reservoirs
- Water Rights
- Simulated Reservoir Storage
- Brazos River Basin [Go to Page]
- Dams and Reservoirs
- Natural Salt Pollution
- System Operations
- Trinity River Basin [Go to Page]
- Dams and Reservoirs
- Flood Control Levees and Channel Improvements
- San Jacinto River Basin [Go to Page]
- Houston Ship Channel
- Water Supply and Land Subsidence
- Flood Control
- Colorado River Basin [Go to Page]
- Reservoir Storage
- Upper Colorado River Basin
- Lower Colorado River Basin
- Neches River Basin
- Sabine River Basin
- Cypress Creek Basin
- Sulphur River Basin
- Red River Basin [Go to Page]
- Dams and Reservoirs
- Natural Salt Pollution Control
- Canadian River Basin
- Guadalupe and San Antonio River Basin [Go to Page]
- San Antonio River Basin
- Guadalupe River Basin
- Lavaca River Basin
- Nueces River Basin [Go to Page]
- Reservoirs in the Nueces River Basin
- Groundwater Recharge in the Nueces River Basin
- Interbasin Water Transport
- Possible Future Seawater Desalination
- Coastal Basins
- Rio Grande Basin
- Chapter 8: Synthesis, Elaboration, Summary, and Conclusions [Go to Page]
- Texas Paradigm for Comprehensive Water Management
- River Basins of Texas
- River System Hydrology [Go to Page]
- Hydrologic Variability
- Hydrologic Stationarity
- Climate Change Uncertainties
- Surface Water and Groundwater Connections
- Naturalized and Simulated Regulated Flows as a Percent of Precipitation
- Reservoir Storage as a Drought Index
- Dams, Reservoirs, and Appurtenant Facilities [Go to Page]
- Small to Very Large Reservoirs
- Project Owners and Purposes
- Reservoir System Operations
- Dam Safety and Rehabilitation
- Salinity Constraints
- Federal Roles [Go to Page]
- Navigation, Flood Control, and Multipurpose Water Development
- Environmental Protection
- State Agency Planning and Water Allocation [Go to Page]
- Statewide and Regional Planning
- Water Allocation
- Environmental Flow Standards
- Water Availability Modeling
- Integrated Water Resources Management [Go to Page]
- Water Management Community
- Water Conservation
- Flood Risk Mitigation
- Appendix A: Major Reservoirs Listed by River Basin
- Appendix B: Information for Major Reservoirs
- Index
- About-the-author
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