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16/30314605 DC BS EN ISO 5459. Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Geometrical tolerancing. Datums and datum systems, 2016
- 5459.pdf [Go to Page]
- 1 Scope
- 2 Normative references
- 3 Terms and definitions
- 4 Symbols
- 5 Role of a datum system
- 6 General concepts
- 7 Graphical language [Go to Page]
- 7.1 General
- 7.2 Indication of datum features [Go to Page]
- 7.2.1 Datum feature indicator
- 7.2.2 Datum feature identifier
- 7.2.3 Datum targets [Go to Page]
- General
- Datum target frame
- Datum target symbol
- Leader line
- 7.2.4 Contacting features
- 7.3 Specification of datums and datum systems
- 7.4 Indication and meaning of rules [Go to Page]
- 7.4.1 General
- 7.4.2 Rules (potential new clause 8) [Go to Page]
- Rule 1 — Datum features (established from a single feature)
- Rule 2 — Datum features established from a complete feature
- Rule 3 — Datum features established from a non-complete feature defined by one or more datum targets
- Rule 4 — Datum system
- Rule 5 — Indication of a single or common datum in a datum indicator of a datum section
- Rules 6 for associated features [Go to Page]
- General
- The associated feature is established from the datum feature after filtration, by association of an ideal feature (associated feature) with a non-ideal feature (datum feature).
- The association criteria combines an objective function and constraint (material constraint, size, orientation, location)
- The association is defined by several properties:
- This standard defines default objective functions and default filtration criteria. It is possible to change them for an individual specification or globally for a drawing, by defining special operators (see 7.5). [Go to Page]
- Rule 6.a: associated feature type
- Rule 6.b: dimension of an associated feature
- Rule 6.c: material constraints for associated feature
- Rule 6.d: constraint between associated features in a common datum
- Rule 6.e: constraint between associated features in a datum system
- When a single datum or a common datum is indicated as a primary datum (see examples 1 to 4), then no additional constraint in orientation shall be taken into account in the association.
- When a single datum or a common datum is indicated as a secondary datum (see examples 2 and 3), then rules 6.a, 6.b and 6.c shall be considered with additional constraints to establish the secondary datum from associated feature(s):
- When a single datum or a common datum is indicated as a tertiary datum (see example 4), then rule 6.a, 6.b and 6.c shall be considered with additional constraints:
- Rule 7 — Locked or released degrees of freedom for the members of its datum system
- Rule 8 — Special indications for common datum
- Rule 9 — Indications of situation feature on the technical product documentation
- Rule 10 — Degrees of freedom indication in relation with a datum system
- Rule 11 — Application of modifiers in a datum indicator
- 7.5 Datum section (potential new clause 9) [Go to Page]
- 7.5.1 General
- 7.5.2 ISO default specification operator for single or common datum
- 7.5.3 Individual specification operator for single or common datum
- 7.5.4 Datum filtration specification elements
- 7.5.5 Datum association specification elements
- 7.5.6 Drawing-specific default for datum
- Annex A (normative) Association for datums [Go to Page]
- A.1 Basic concepts
- A.2 Association methods [Go to Page]
- A.2.1 General
- A.2.2 Association for single datums [Go to Page]
- A.2.2.1 Association for single datums without the [CF] modifier
- A.2.2.2 Association for single datums with the modifier [CF]
- A.2.3 Association for common datums
- A.2.4 Association for datum systems
- Annex B (informative) Invariance classes
- Annex C (informative) Indication and meaning of datum systems for some examples [Go to Page]
- C.1 Examples of datum systems constituted by one single datum [Go to Page]
- C.1.1 Plane
- C.1.2 Cylinder
- C.1.3 Cone
- C.1.4 Sphere
- C.1.5 Particular situation feature
- C.1.6 Obvious situation feature
- C.1.7 Only one situation feature needed
- C.1.8 Complex surface
- C.1.9 Intersecting planes
- C.1.10 Two parallel opposite planes (defined as a feature of size)
- C.1.11 Three datum targets on a plane
- C.2 Examples of datum systems constituted by one common datum [Go to Page]
- C.2.1 Two coplanar planes
- C.2.2 Two coaxial cylinders
- C.2.3 Plane and cylinder perpendicular to each other
- C.2.4 Two parallel cylinders
- C.2.5 Pattern of five cylinders
- C.2.6 Two parallel planes
- C.3 Examples of datum systems constituted by more than one single datum [Go to Page]
- C.3.1 Three perpendicular planes
- C.3.2 Perpendicular plane and cylinder
- Annex D (normative) Associated feature established from a thread or a gear [Go to Page]
- D.1 General
- D.2 Indication for a thread
- D.3 Indication for a gear
- Annex E (informative) Examples of a datum system or a common datum established with contacting features [Go to Page]
- E.1 Example 1
- E.2 Example 2
- E.3 Example 3
- E.4 Example 4
- E.5 Example 5 — Example for a “three jaw chuck”
- Annex F (informative) Filter symbols and attached nesting index
- Annex G (informative) Some basic examples of datum
- G.1 General
- G.2 Associated plane used to establish a datum
- G.3 Associated circle and cylinder used to establish a datum
- Annex H (normative) Relations and dimensions of graphical symbols
- Annex I (informative) Former practice
- Annex J (informative) Relationship to the GPS matrix model [Go to Page]
- J.1 General
- J.2 Information about this International Standard and its use
- J.3 Position in the GPS matrix model
- J.4 Related International Standards [Go to Page]