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Washington State Energy Code, Commercial, 1st Printing - Effective July 1, 2020, 2018
- Margin Markings
- 2018 WSEC_C Final.docx [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 1 - Scope and Administration [Go to Page]
- Section C101 - Scope and General Requirements
- Section C102 - Alternative Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment
- Section C103 - Construction Documents
- Section C104 - Inspections
- Section C105 - Validity
- Section C106 - Referenced Standards
- Section C107 - Fees
- Section C108 - Stop Work Order
- Section C109 - Board of Appeals
- Section C110 - Violations
- Section C111 - Liability
- CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
- CHAPTER 3 - General Requirements [Go to Page]
- Section C301 - Climate Zones [Go to Page]
- TABLE C301.1: Climate Zones
- Section C302 - Design Conditions
- Section C303 - Materials, Systems and Equipment [Go to Page]
- TABLE C303.1.3(1): Default Glazed Window, Glass Door and Skylight U-factors
- TABLE C303.1.5: U-Factors for Spandrel Panels and Glass Curtain Walls
- TABLE C303.1.3(3): Default Glazed Fenestration SHGC and VT
- TABLE C303.1.3(4): Default U-factors for Skylights
- TABLE C303.1.3(5): Small Business Compliance Table Default U-factors for Vertical Fenestration
- CHAPTER 4 - Commercial Energy Efficiency [Go to Page]
- Section C401 - General
- Section C402 - Building Envelope Requirements [Go to Page]
- TABLE C402.1.1.3: Non-Opaque Thermal Envelope Maximum Requirements
- TABLE C402.1.3: Opaque Thermal Envelope Insulation Component Minimum Requirements, R-Value Method
- TABLE C402.1.4: Opaque Thermal Envelope Assembly Maximum Requirements, U-factor Method
- TABLE C402.1.4.1: Effective R-Values for Steel Stud Wall Assemblies
- TABLE C402.4: Building Envelope Fenestration Maximum U-factor and SHGC Requirements
- Section C403 - Mechanical Systems [Go to Page]
- Section C403.1 - General
- Section C403.2 - System Design
- Section C403.3 - Equipment Selection [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.3.2(1)A: Electrically Operated Unitary Air Conditioners and Condensing Units
- TABLE C403.3.2(1)B: Electrically Operated Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioners
- TABLE C403.3.2(1)C: Electrically Operated Variable Refrigerant Flow Air-to-Air and Applied Heat Pumps
- TABLE C403.3.2(2): Electrically Operated Unitary and Applied Heat Pumps
- TABLE C403.3.2(3): Electrically Operated Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners, Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps, Single-Package Vertical Air Conditioners, Single-Package Vertical Heat Pumps, Room Air Conditioners and Room Air Conditioner Heat Pumps
- TABLE C403.3.2(4): Warm Air Furnaces and Combination Warm Air Furnaces/Air-Conditioning Units, Warm Air Duct Furnaces and Unit Heaters, Minimum Efficiency Requirements
- TABLE C403.3.2(5): Gas- and Oil-Fired Boilers
- TABLE C403.3.2(7): Water Chilling Packages
- TABLE C403.3.2(8): Heat Rejection Equipment
- TABLE C403.3.2(9): Air Conditioners and Condensing Units Serving Computer Rooms and Data Centers
- TABLE C403.3.2(10): Heat Transfer Equipment
- TABLE C403.3.2(11): Electrically Operated DX-DOAS Units, Single-Package and Remote Condenser, Without Energy Recovery
- TABLE C403.3.2(12): Electrically Operated DX-DOAS Units, Single-Package and Remote Condenser, with Energy Recovery
- TABLE C403.3.5: Occupancy Classifications Requiring DOAS
- C403.4 HVAC System Controls [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.4.4: Variable Speed Drive Requirements for Demand-Controlled Pumps
- TABLE C403.4.11.1: DDC Applications and Qualifications
- Section C403.5 - Economizers [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.5: Equipment Efficiency Performance Exception for Economizers
- TABLE C403.5.1: DX Cooling Stage Requirements for Modulating Airflow Units
- TABLE C403.5.3.3: High-Limit Shutoff Control Settings for Air Economizers
- Section C403.6 - Requirements for Mechanical Systems Serving Multiple Zones
- Section C403.7 - Ventilation and Exhaust Systems [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.7.6(1): Energy Recover Requirement for Ventilation Systems Operating Less than 8,000 Hours per Year
- TABLE C403.7.6.1(2): Energy Recovery Requirement for Ventilation Systems Operating Not Less Than 8,000 Hours per Year
- TABLE C403. Maximum Net Exhaust Flow Rate per Linear Foot of Hood
- Section C403.8 - Fan and Fan Controls [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.8.1(1): Fan Power Limitation
- TABLE C403.8.1(2): Fan Power Limitation Pressure Drop Adjustment
- TABLE C403.8.4: Group R Exhaust Fan Efficacy
- TABLE C403.8.5.1: Fan Control
- Section C403.9 - Heat Rejection and Heat Recovery equipment
- Section C403.10 - Construction of HVAC System Elements [Go to Page]
- TABLE C403.10.1.1: Outdoor Air Ductwork Insulation
- TABLE C403.10.1.2: Supply, Return, Exhaust and Relief Air Ductwork Insulation
- TABLE C403.10.3: Minimum Pipe Insulation Thickness
- Section C403.11 - Mechanical Systems Located Outside of the Building Thermal Envelope
- Section C403.12 High Efficiency Single-Zone VAV Systems
- Section C403.13 - Commissioning
- Section C404 - Service Water Heating and Pressure-Booster Systems [Go to Page]
- TABLE C404.2: Minimum Performance of Water-Heating Equipment
- TABLE C404.3.1: Piping Volume and Maximum Piping Lengths
- Section C405 - Electrical Power and Lighting Systems [Go to Page]
- Section C405.1 - General
- Section C405.2 Lighting Controls [Go to Page]
- FIGURE C405.2.4.2(1): Sidelit Zone Adjacent to Fenestration in a Wall
- FIGURE C405.2.4.2(2): Sidelit Zone Adjacent to Clerestory Fenestration in a Wall
- FIGURE C405.2.4.3(1): Toplit Zone Under a Rooftop Fenestration Assembly
- FIGURE C405.2.4.3(2): Toplit Zone Under a Rooftop Monitor
- FIGURE C405.2.4.3(3): Toplit Zone Under a Sloped Rooftop Monitor
- FIGURE C405.2.4.3(4): Toplit Zone Under Atrium Fenestration
- Section C405.4 - Interior Lighting Power Requirements [Go to Page]
- TABLE C405.4.2(1): Interior Lighting Power Allowance: Building Area Method
- TABLE C405.4.2(2): Interior Lighting Power Allowances: Space-by-Space Method
- Section C405.5 - Exterior Lighting Power Requirements [Go to Page]
- TABLE C405.5.3(1): Exterior Lighting Zones
- TABLE C405.5.3(2): Lighting Power Allowances for Building Exteriors
- TABLE C405.5.3(3): Individual Lighting Power Allowances for Building Exteriors
- Section C405.6 - Electrical Transformers [Go to Page]
- TABLE C405.6: Minimum Nominal Efficiency Levels for Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers
- Section C405.7 - Dwelling Unit Electrical Energy Consumption
- Section C405.8 - Electric Motor Efficiency [Go to Page]
- TABLE C405.8(1): Minimum Full-Load Efficiency For NEMA Design A, NEMA Design B and IEC Design N Motors
- TABLE C405.8(2): Minimum Nominal Full-Load Efficiency for NEMA Design C and IEC Design H Motors
- TABLE C405.8(3): Minimum Average Full-Load Efficiency for Polyphase Small Electric Motors
- TABLE C405.8(4): Minimum Average Full-Load Efficiency for Capacitor-Start Capacitor-Run and Capacitor-Start Induction-Run Small Electric Motors
- Section C405.9 - Vertical and Horizontal Transportation Systems and Equipment
- Section C405.10 - Controlled Receptacles
- Section C405.11 - Voltage Drop in Feeders and Branch Circuits
- Section C405.12 - Commissioning
- Section C406 - Efficiency Packages [Go to Page]
- TABLE C406.1: Efficiency Package Credits
- TABLE C406.5: On-Site Renewable Energy System Rating
- Section C407 - Total Building Performance [Go to Page]
- TABLE C407.2: Mandatory Compliance Measures for Total Building Performance Method
- TABLE C407.3(1): Carbon Emissions Factors
- TABLE C407.3(2): Building Performance Factors
- Section C408 - System Commissioning [Go to Page]
- FIGURE C408.1.4.1: Commissioning Compliance Checklist
- Section C409 - Energy Metering and Energy Consumption Management
- Section C410 - Refrigeration System Requirements [Go to Page]
- TABLE C410.1.1(1): Minimum Efficiency Requirements: Commercial Refrigeration
- TABLE C410.1.1(2): Minimum Efficiency Requirements: Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
- TABLE C410.2.1.1(1): Walk-in Cooler and Freezer Display Doors Efficiency Requirements
- TABLE C410.2.1.1(2): Walk-in Cooler and Freezer Non-Display Doors Efficiency Requirements
- TABLE C410.2.1.1(3): Walk-in Cooler and Freezer Refrigeration System Efficiency Requirements
- Section C411 - Solar Readiness
- CHAPTER 5 - Existing Buildings [Go to Page]
- Section C501 - General
- Section C502 - Additions
- Section C503 - Alterations [Go to Page]
- TABLE C503.4: Economizer Compliance Options for Mechanical Alterations
- Section C504 - Repairs
- Section C505 - Change of Occupancy or Use
- CHAPTER 6 - Referenced Standards
- 2018 Com Energy Appendices [Go to Page]
- Appendix A: Default Heat Loss Coefficients
- Appendix B: Default Internal Load Values and Schedules
- Appendix C: Exterior Design Conditions
- Appendix D: Calculation of HVAC Total System Performance Ratio
- Appendix E: Renewable Energy
- Appendix F: Outcome-Based Energy Budget [Go to Page]