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AK - Sitka city and borough - Amendments, 0
- Chapter 19.01 BUILDING CODE [Go to Page]
- 19.01.010 Adoption by reference.
- 19.01.013 Adoption of excavation and grading standards.
- 19.01.014 Adoption by reference of International Residential Code.
- 19.01.015 Power of assembly to grant a variance or waiver by motion.
- 19.01.016 International Building Code Chapter 1 amended.
- 19.01.017 International Residential Code Chapter 1 amended.
- 19.01.018 International Building Code Chapter 2 amended.
- 19.01.020 Permit fees.
- 19.01.021 International Building Code Section 109.4.
- 19.01.030 International Residential Code Table R302.6 amended—Dwelling/garage separation.
- 19.01.035 International Residential Code Section R313, Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, deleted.
- 19.01.040 Table 508.2.5 amended—Incidental use areas.
- 19.01.041 International Building Code Section 709.3 amended—Fire resistance rating.
- 19.01.042 International Residential Code Section R320 deleted—Accessibility.
- 19.01.050 International Residential Code Section 314.2 amended—Garage smoke.
- 19.01.065 International Building Code amended to add new Section 110.2.1.
- 19.01.070 International Building Code Section 903.2 amended—Automatic fire suppression systems—Where required.
- 19.01.071 Waivers to Section 19.01.070.
- 19.01.072 Administrative waivers for minor additions or structures.
- 19.01.081 International Residential Code amended—Stairways.
- 19.01.082 International Residential Code amended—Gutters required.
- 19.01.083 International Residential Code amended—Seismic engineering not required.
- 19.01.085 International Residential Code amended—Grinder pumps to be accessible.
- 19.01.088 International Building Code Section 1003 amended—General means of egress.
- 19.01.092 Certificates of occupancy.
- 19.01.095 The International Building Code Chapter 11 amended.
- 19.01.100 Chapter 17 amended—Earth support and danger trees.
- 19.01.125 Chapter 31, Section 3102, Membrane Structures, modified.
- 19.01.150 Chapter 34, Section 3401, Scope, modified.
- 19.01.155 Chapter 34, Section 3409, Accessibility for existing buildings, modified.
- 19.01.200 Chapter 35, Referenced Standards, modified. [Go to Page]