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  • NFPA
    NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    This title can only be subscribed to with another NFPA title (See details)
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

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Per NFPA's requirements, when purchasing NFPA 2021 Standards and/or 2020 NFPA 70 (NEC), you must subscribe to at least one more NFPA Standard to complete your purchase. In order to fulfill this requirement, we automatically add 2019 NFPA 900 to your cart. This title may be removed during checkout if you choose to add a different NFPA standard to your cart, and pricing will be recalculated accordingly.
Get the requirements you need to help ensure appropriate fire protection for HVAC systems with NFPA 90A. NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, has been providing information and criteria vital to safety in the built environment since first developed back in 1899. This ANSI-approved standard for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning covers provisions for stopping the migration of smoke and reducing the chance of fire, gases, and related hazards in forced air systems. From general definitions and requirements to the integration of ventilation and air-conditioning with building construction, controls, and acceptance testing, NFPA 90A is a valuable resource for helping to protect lives and property and staying up to code. You get complete information on all areas of construction, operation, and maintenance of systems, including filters, ducts, and other equipment. Apply the most current provisions to confirm sufficient building and life safety. NFPA 90A offers criteria for buildings over 25,000 cubic feet and buildings more than three stories in height classified as Types III, IV, and V construction. The standard also applies to buildings or structures not covered by any applicable NFPA standards. The 2021 edition features a variety of editorial changes and updates to existing language. Take confidence you are referencing the most relevant information for helping to keep HVAC systems fire safe. Get up-to-date with the latest requirements by ordering your copy of NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air-
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