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  • NFPA
    NFPA 5000: Building Construction and Safety Code
    This title can only be subscribed to with another NFPA title (See details)
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Content Description

Per NFPA's requirements, when purchasing NFPA 2021 Standards and/or 2020 NFPA 70 (NEC), you must subscribe to at least one more NFPA Standard to complete your purchase. In order to fulfill this requirement, we automatically add 2019 NFPA 900 to your cart. This title may be removed during checkout if you choose to add a different NFPA standard to your cart, and pricing will be recalculated accordingly.
NFPA 5000 is updated in response to, and, in some cases, in anticipation of, emerging technologies or as society looks to code developers to address new hazards. The 2021 edition features updates based on emerging trends and safety concerns, such as security, new building materials, and exterior wall testing. Critical changes include: New Chapter 56 on security systems and features to outline security requirements for the built environment with references to NFPA 730, NFPA 731, and NFPA 914. The chapters on educational occupancies and daycare occupancies also require the use of this new chapter. Revisions to reaffirm wind loads and design loads based on ASCE 7-16 as well as the section on vegetative roof systems Significant updates to the building height/area restrictions and testing requirements for specific materials New options, height increases, and area increases for mass timber construction Revisions to testing requirements and height limitations in the sections on light-transmitting plastic wall panels and metal composite materials (MCM) Updates to the requirements for fire-retardant-treated wood Changes to align with updates in referenced concrete standards and seismic standards Reference added to NFPA 855 in Chapter 55 relating to energy storage systems Inclusion of criteria for mass notification risk assessments Updated provisions in Chapter 18 specifying all daycare occupancies be sprinklered New requirements for low-frequency alarm signals in sleeping rooms of hotels, dormitories, and apartment buildings per NFPA 72
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