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  • ISEA
    ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 American National Standard for Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Content Description

ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 is the sixth revision of a voluntary industry consensus standard that was first published in 1978 and builds upon the initial objective to standardize first aid kits to ensure that items needed to treat the most common types of injuries and sudden illnesses encountered in the workplace are readily accessible and available. This edition retains the kit classification (Class A or Class B) established in 2015 and includes several notable updates: A foil blanket has been added as a mandatory item for both kit classes. This was considered based on an assessment of similar international standards and in recognition of the multiple purposes that the item can serve during the treatment of a workplace injury or illness. More specificity has been included for tourniquets to distinguish them from those types of bands used to draw blood, which is not as effective in preventing blood loss, as is intended. Similarly, the appendix includes greater guidance on a separately-packaged bleeding control kit. This update also includes more robust discussion to assist the employer in assessing risks, identifying potential hazards, and selecting additional first aid supplies relevant to a particular application or work environment. This standard was processed and approved using consensus procedures prescribed by the American National Standards Ins
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