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  • ISEA
    ANSI/ISEA 125-2021 American National Standard for Conformity Assessment of Safety and Personal Protective Equipment
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Content Description

National Consensus Standard for Conformity Assessment of Safety and Personal Protective Equipment The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has approved the revised ISEA-developed national consensus standard for conformity assessment of safety and personal protective equipment. This updated version addresses improvements and introduces greater flexibility in an effort to promote wider voluntary adoption. This standard, ANSI/ISEA 125-2021, provides an organized and systematic way for a supplier to verify that a product meets the requirements of a performance standard, and to communicate that verification to the purchaser and user. It includes standardized requirements for initial and ongoing testing, process quality management, record keeping and surveillance, and declaration of conformity. Recognizing the diversity of products, hazards, users and suppliers, it offers three alternative methods of conformity assessment, ranging from in-house testing and monitoring to full third-party certification. ANSI/ISEA 125 was developed under the leadership of the ISEA Standards Policy and Planning Committee and reviewed and approved by a consensus panel of producers, users, regulators and experts, prior to approval as an American National Standard.
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