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  • ISEA
    ANSI/ISEA 100-2024 American National Standard for Industrial Bump Caps
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Content Description

Contusions, lacerations, bruises and other injuries to the head caused by worker generated impact affect thousands of workers each year resulting in significant injury and cost. These types of injuries to the head are commonplace in workplaces where spaces are tight, and equipment and accessories are nearby and overhead. In fact, injuries to the head rank as one of the top recordable injuries in a variety of industries from food processing to air transportation, to automobile/vehicle maintenance to name a few. A wide variety of products are in the marketplace, and already in use, to help prevent these injuries. Recognizing the importance of this safety hazard, and the benefit of these products from preventing an injury, it is the mission of this group to provide a standard for testing this type of safety equipment. The International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), in conjunction with industry stakeholders, has developed ANSI/ISEA 100-2024, a voluntary industry consensus standard that establishes the minimum performance, testing and labeling criteria for industrial bump caps and bump cap inserts used in the workplace.
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