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  • BSI
    PD ISO/TR 10295-3:2012 Fire tests for building elements and components. Fire testing of service installations - Single component penetration seals. Guidance on the construction and use of test configurations and simulated services to characterise sealing materials
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of PD ISO/TR 10295-3:2012 2013

This part of ISO 10295 provides guidance in respect of a structured method of characterizing the penetrating seal under test utilizing a series of defined parameters, each one being determined by the use of a selected series of test configurations in conjunction with simulated services. The level of characterization being sought is dependent upon the classification requirement of the system, which in turn determines the complexity of the test program. It is also intended the test method addresses the influence the supporting construction has on the performance of the seal system.

The methods described apply to the determination of data relating to single component penetration seals where the penetration service does not melt out within the appropriate period of exposure to a fully developed fire.

The selection of the appropriate system depends upon many factors. Of particular importance is the size of the penetration, since penetration seal systems are frequently penetration size (or size range) specific.

This is a guidance document, its purpose being to determine the critical parameters relating to the performance of the seal being evaluated. Such parameters can then be used as a basis for interpolation and/or extrapolation of the seal's performance. The procedures used have been developed utilizing small square penetrations, single component penetration seals, and cylindrical conductors; however it is possible to generate a similar series of tests using rectangular cross-section conductors if this is more appropriate to end use.

This part of ISO 10295 provides a structured approach designed to establish

  • the mode of failure;

  • the parameters critical to the performance of the penetration seal under test.

The mode of failure and critical parameters are ascertained using test configurations appropriate to the potential performance of the product, in conjunction with clearly defined standard penetrations.

The results gained from the application of this technical report are designed to assist a suitably qualified person to develop a direct and extended field of application for the penetration seal under test using in particular, the principles and methodology given in ISO/TR 12470. Using the field(s) of application so generated, it should be possible to classify the penetration seal, thus facilitating its incorporation into specifications.

The test configurations recommended in this part of ISO 10295 are not appropriate for evaluating multi-component penetration seals.

This part of ISO 10295 is not appropriate for characterizing all types of penetration seals, e.g. pipe closers/collars and some gland systems, for which evaluation using ISO 10295-1 is more appropriate.

This part of ISO 10295 does not address the distance required between services that can generate their own heat. When a live service is being evaluated, it is necessary to give consideration to the distance required between penetrations.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.