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  • BSI
    PD IEC PAS 62840-3:2021 Electric vehicle battery swap system - Particular safety and interoperability requirements for battery swap systems operating with removable RESS/battery systems
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of PD IEC PAS 62840-3:2021 2021

This document applies to battery swap systems for removable RESS of electric road vehicle when connected to the supply network, with a rated supply voltage up to 480 V AC or up to 400 V DC, for battery systems with a rated voltage up to 120 V DC.

NOTE 1 In the following countries, the acceptable nominal supply voltage is up to 600 V AC: CA, US.

This document applies to battery swap systems for removable RESS/EV where the removable RESS/EV is stored for the purpose of transfer power between the battery swap station and removable RESS/EV.

Requirements for bidirectional energy transfer DC to AC are under consideration and are not part of this document.

This document applies to:

  • battery swap systems supplied from on-site storage systems (for example buffer batteries etc);

  • manual, mechanically assisted and automatic systems;

  • battery swap systems intended to supply removable battery systems having communication allowing to identify the battery system characteristics;

  • battery swap systems intended to be installed at an altitude of up to 2 000 m.

The aspects covered in this document include:

  • requirements for power transfer between the battery systems;

  • additional requirements for communication;

  • the connection to supply network.

Additional requirements may apply to special locations.

This document does not apply to:

  • safety requirements for mechanical equipment covered by ISO 10218 (all parts);

  • locking compartments systems providing AC socket-outlets for the use of manufacturer specific voltage converter units and manufacturer specific battery systems;

  • safety aspects related to maintenance;

  • electrical devices and components which are covered by their specific product standards;

  • trolley buses, rail vehicles;

  • any on-board equipment which is covered by ISO;

  • EMC requirements for on-board equipment while connected to the supply, which are covered by IEC 61851-21-1.

Requirements for battery swap systems using protective measures as covered by 410 of IEC 60364-4-41:2005 other than double or reinforced insulation are under consideration.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.