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  • BSI
    PD CEN/TS 17699:2022 Guidelines for developing ICT Professional Curricula as scoped by EN 16234-1 (e-CF)
    Edition: 2022
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Description of PD CEN/TS 17699:2022 2022

This document provides guidance and inspiration on how to design/redesign, develop, maintain, adjust, and compare ICT Professional curricula and learning programmes as scoped by EN 16234 1:2019 and related documents. EN 16234 1:2019 (e-CF) is the starting guiding point for this document, for a shared European language for ICT professional development. Other framework sources can be used to apply the methodology outlined in this document. This document is for application by educational institutions, learning programmes and certification providers of all types (public and private), providing ICT Professional education and training including: • Higher Education (HE); • Vocational Education and Training (VET); • Any other educational or training institution or provider in professional ICT, e.g. Continuous Professional Development (CPD). This document is focused on guiding education providers on how to align curricula and learning programmes with the structure and principles of EN 16234 1 (e-CF) e-Competences and CWA 16458 1 ICT Professional Role Profiles. It applies to all forms of education, supporting educational providers who plan to use a shared European language on knowledge, skills, competences and roles, as ingredients for the successful provision of ICT Professional education and training. The guidelines, provided by this document, include formal, non-formal and industry developed education and training through the provision of high-level, consistent recommendations and guidance for ICT curriculum or learning programme design by any education provider. In this document, a distinction is made between a learning programme and a curriculum. The term “curriculum” is strongly associated with formal educational institutions and degrees, the term “learning programme” indicates a broader, more encompassing concept, also incorporating training and other learning programmes, not restricted to only “curricula”. As the proposed methodology in this document relates to both curricula and learning programmes, the term ‘learning programme’ is used throughout the text. If the term ‘curriculum’ is used, then that narrower meaning is explicitly applicable in that situation.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.