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  • BSI
    PD CEN/TS 16614-2:2014 Public transport. Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx) - Public transport scheduled timetables exchange format
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD CEN/TS 16614-2:2014 2014

1.1 General

NeTEx is dedicated to the exchange of scheduled data (network, timetable and fare information) based on Transmodel V5.1 (EN 12896), IFOPT (EN 28701) and SIRI (CEN/TS 15531-4 and CEN/TS 15531-5 and prEN 15531-1, prEN 15531-2 and prEN 15531-3) and supports information exchange of relevance to public transport services for passenger information and AVMS systems.

NOTE Many NeTEx concepts are taken directly from Transmodel and IFOPT; the definitions and explanation of these concepts are extracted directly from the respective standards and reused in NeTEx, sometimes with further adaptions in order to fit the NETEx context.

The data exchanges targeted by NeTEx are predominantly oriented towards passenger information and also for data exchange between transit scheduling systems and AVMS (Automated Vehicle Monitoring Systems). However it is not restricted to these purposes, and NeTEx can provide an effective solution to many other use cases for transport exchange.

1.2 Transport modes

Most public transport modes are taken into account by NeTEx, including train, bus, coach, metro, tramway, ferry, and their submodes. It is possible to describe airports and air journeys, but there has not been any specific consideration of any additional provisions that apply especially to air transport.

1.3 Compatibility with existing standards and recommendations

The concepts covered in NeTEx that relate in particular to long-distance train travel include; rail operators and related organizations; stations and related equipment; journey coupling and journey parts; train composition and facilities; planned passing times; timetable versions and validity conditions.

In the case of long distance train the NeTEx takes into account the requirements formulated by the ERA (European Rail Agency) – TAP/TSI (Telematics Applications for Passenger/ Technical Specification for Interoperability, entered into force on 13 May 2011 as the Commission Regulation (EU) No 454/2011), based on UIC directives.

As regards the other exchange protocols, a formal compatibility is ensured with TransXChange (UK), VDV 452 (Germany), NEPTUNE (France), UIC Leaflet, BISON (Netherland) and NOPTIS (Nordic Public Transport Interface Standard).

The data exchange is possible either through dedicated web services, through data file exchanges, or using the SIRI exchange protocol as described in part 2 of the SIRI documentation.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.