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  • BSI
    PD 8101:2014 Smart cities. Guide to the role of the planning and development process
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD 8101:2014 2014

This PD gives guidance on how the planning and implementation of development and infrastructure projects can equip cities to benefit from the potential of smart technologies and approaches.

It is relevant to major developments, major infrastructure projects, refurbishment programmes, streetworks and improvements to the public realm.

It considers how each stage of the planning and development process could support smart city opportunities and benefit from good practice in smart urban planning and design.

It identifies some key areas where developments and infrastructure projects could be planned and implemented in a way that supports the city as a whole in becoming smarter. It sets out what needs to be done at each stage, with an indication of where to go for further help.

This PD is for use by those involved in the planning and implementation of developments and infrastructure projects, including:

  • city leadership;

  • planning policy makers;

  • planning case officers;

  • regeneration officers; and

  • developers and the consultants who work with them.

It points to good practice in a UK context, and identifies the tools to use to implement this good practice.

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