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  • BSI
    PD 7974-5:2014 Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings - Fire and rescue service intervention (Sub-system 5)
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD 7974-5:2014 2014

This part of PD 7974 provides guidance on fire safety engineering and the necessary interaction with fire service intervention activities. This Published Document applies irrespective of whether the design objective, or fire service activities, are intended to support life safety, property, business, mission, or heritage protection objectives, as defined in the qualitative design review (QDR) process described in BS 7974 and PD 7974‑0 . The guidance provides an understanding of both the capabilities and limitations of fire service intervention, and takes into account the physiological demands on fire-fighters, the fire-fighting procedures that are used and the limitations of fire-fighting equipment.

This part of PD 7974 is intended to be applied to the design of new and, where appropriate, the appraisal of existing, buildings and plant.

It also contains analytical tools that allow an analysis of fire and rescue service intervention and offers a range of approaches that could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of fire and rescue service intervention if analysis indicates that design objectives might not be achieved.

The fire and rescue service can request access and facilities to assist them with emergencies other than fire. The recommendations contained in this document could be of value when considering such requests but the primary purpose of this document is concerned with fire.

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