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  • BSI
    PD 5304:2014 Guidance on safe use of machinery
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD 5304:2014 2014

This Published Document provides guidance on the safe use (see 1.3.22) of machinery, including that supplied prior to the implementation of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 [1].

It provides guidance on:

  1. the basic principles of safeguarding, with reference to current harmonized European machinery safety standards; and

  2. the continuing safe use of machinery manufactured in accordance with harmonized European machinery safety standards, in conjunction with the machine supplier’s instructions for use.

This Published Document is intended to promote a high standard of machinery safety. It describes and illustrates a variety of protective measures and explains methods by which it is possible to assess which measure(s) it is reasonable to adopt in particular circumstances. It is necessary, however, to consult specific legislation in applying the principles set down. Although reference is made to particular types of machine, specific recommendations are not given for every type of machine.

The guidance can be applied to machinery during its modification, refurbishment, upgrading or change of use in order to satisfy the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 [2].

NOTE 1 See also Approved Code of Practice: Safe use of work equipment [3].

NOTE 2 Significant modification, refurbishment, upgrading or change of use to existing machinery that results in, for example, changes of the measures used to reduce risk(s) or the introduction of a new hazard(s), can make it necessary to satisfy relevant requirements from the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 [1], in particular Schedule 3.

NOTE 3 PD 5304 is not intended to be used as an alternative to the current harmonized European machinery safety standards for machinery supplied in accordance with the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 [1].

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