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  • BSI
    PAS 8810:2016 Tunnel design. Design of concrete segmental tunnel linings. Code of practice
    Edition: 2016
    / user per year

Description of PAS 8810:2016 2016

This PAS makes recommendations for the design of concrete segmental tunnel linings. It covers design considerations from project inception through to the end of the service life of the tunnel. At the early stage of the design (e.g. conceptual design stage), the study of the options for the selection of the tunnel lining is not limited to concrete segmental tunnel linings. Thus Clauses 4 to 8 in the PAS are applicable to tunnels with all types of linings. Clauses 9 to 12 give specific recommendations on the design of concrete segmental tunnel linings.

This PAS is for use by design engineers (usually directly employed by the client but this could sometimes be the contractor’s designer, for example, in a design and build project) and clients (usually the owner of the tunnel who is responsible for the design and construction of concrete tunnel linings) and contractors.

The PAS sets out detailed design recommendations by referencing existing national standards (BS, BS EN) or internationally-recognized industry standards. Technical requirements from existing standards are referenced, rather than repeated. Specific design recommendations are included only for the design items that are not available from existing standards.

This PAS covers:

  1. functional requirements;

  2. conceptual design;

  3. characterization of ground;

  4. materials design and specification;

  5. material characterization and testing;

  6. limit state design;

  7. concrete segmental lining design;

  8. concrete segment lining modelling;

  9. instrumentation and monitoring; and

  10. design management.

This PAS does not cover:

  1. sprayed concrete lined tunnels;

  2. cast-in-situ concrete lined tunnels;

  3. any tunnel lining using material other than concrete, such as spheroidal graphite iron or steel;

  4. cut and cover tunnels;

  5. drill and blast excavations;

  6. hard rock tunnelling;

  7. pipe jacking; and

  8. project planning and management.

NOTE 1 Recommendations for health and safety practices in tunnel construction are given in BS 6164.

NOTE 2 Requirements for handling ground support elements are given in BS EN 16191.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.