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  • BSI
    PAS 7000:2014 Supply chain risk management. Supplier prequalification
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PAS 7000:2014 2014

This PAS sets out requirements for establishing the governance, risk and compliance (GRC) status of supply chain relationships and in doing so, it:

  • establishes the content and extent of supply chain relationship information the sharing of which is fundamental to the establishment of supply chain partnerships;

  • sets out rules for the provision and acquisition of this information by supplier and procurer parties respectively, that will enable both to cooperate in the establishment of a supply chain relationship, in a coordinated manner.

The PAS presents the specified information in fifteen topic modules, nine of which are designated ‘Core’topic modules and six are designated ‘Additional’ topic modules as follows:

‘Core’ topic modules

  • Organizational Profile (Module C1).

  • Supplier Capabilities and Capacities (Module C2.

  • Financial Information and Insurance (Module C3).

  • Business Governance (Module C4).

  • Employment policies (Module C5).

  • Health and Safety (Module C6).

  • Data protection(Module C7).

  • Environmental Management (Module C8).

  • Quality Management (Module C9).

‘Additional’ topic modules

  • Business Ethics (Module A1).

  • Supply Chain Traceability (Module A2).

  • Supply Chain Security Management (Module A3).

  • Equal Opportunity and Freedom of Association (Module A4).

  • Disciplinary Practice and Abuse (Module A5).

  • Business Continuity Management (Module A6).

Within each topic module, the information items identified are divided into ‘essential’ and ‘discretionary’) categories (see Clause 5 and Clause 6 respectively.)

PAS 7000 is generic in nature and is intended for use by all organizations, regardless of size or complexity, to support the development of supply chain relationships in accordance with established GRC principles. The information identified in the topic modules is already widely used by a broad range of organizations in establishing supply chain relationships. However, the procedures used to gather that information often vary considerably and can result in significant duplication of effort in both the provision and use of the information and can also cause confusion and misunderstanding between potential supply chain partners.

PAS 7000 identifies the information items to be provided with description of how it is to be made available and the evidence required to support it.

PAS 7000 does not:

  • specify the accuracy and/ or transparency of the information and supporting documents provided by suppliers; or

  • include requirements as to how the validity of that information is to be assessed by procurers;

  • both of these are matters for determination by the procuring party in establishing each particular relationship.

PAS 7000 also includes requirement for the use of explicit declarations when claims in respect of the provision and use of supply chain relationship information are made.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.