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  • BSI
    PAS 5748:2014 Specification for the planning, application, measurement and review of cleanliness services in hospitals
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PAS 5748:2014 2014

This PAS specifies requirements for the planning, application, measurement and review of cleanliness services in acute, community and mental health hospitals.

It specifies requirements for:

  1. governing cleanliness services (see Clause 3);

  2. assessing risk and categorizing elements and functional areas (see Clause 4);

  3. providing cleaning tasks (Clause 5), including:

    1. identifying cleaning tasks;

    2. risk assessment of cleaning tasks;

    3. setting cleaning frequencies;

    4. providing method statements;

    5. setting work schedules;

    6. establishing competence;

    7. contingency planning;

  4. measuring cleanliness on the basis of visual assessment (see Clause 6);

  5. implementing corrective action (see Clause 7);

  6. conducting performance analysis and implementing review and improvement actions (see Clause 8);

  7. providing a continuous service improvement plan (see Clause 9); and

  8. reporting cleanliness (see Clause 10). 1)

NOTE The relationship between the requirements of this PAS and supporting figures and annexes is shown in Figure 1. In particular, attention is drawn to the detailed guidance on the provision of cleanliness given in The Revised Healthcare Cleaning Manual [1].

This PAS is designed to cover all functional areas in a hospital, including all clinical and non-clinical areas. However, catering facilities in a hospital that are covered by food hygiene legislation may be excluded from the provisions of this PAS, except where the catering facility forms an integral part of a functional area for which catering is not the primary purpose, such as a ward kitchen, beverage bay or staff room. It is a matter for local determination as to whether a large ward kitchen is deemed to constitute a functional area in its own right and hence be excluded from the provisions of this PAS.

The methodology for the assessment of cleanliness is visual inspection. However, other methods of assessment, such as microbiological testing, which are not covered in this PAS, may be considered to complement visual inspection. Arrangements for this are for local determination in conjunction with the infection control team and the undertaking of a risk assessment.

This PAS does not cover the cleaning of internal parts of mechanical and electrical equipment, for example the interior parts of air handling systems and lift shafts. These would typically be managed by means of planned preventative maintenance.

This PAS does not cover hospital grounds or gardens.

Figure 1Overview of relationship between the requirements of this PAS and supporting figures and annexes


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