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  • BSI
    PAS 555:2013 Cyber security risk. Governance and management. Specification
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of PAS 555:2013 2013

This PAS specifies a framework for the governance and management of cyber security risk.

The requirements of this PAS define the overall outcomes of effective cyber security, and include technical, physical, cultural and behavioural measures alongside effective leadership and governance.

While there are many standards and guidelines available that can help tackle cyber security risk, they tend to define good practice as to how elements of effective cyber security might be achieved. PAS 555 does not specify such processes or actions – it allows any organization to choose how it achieves the specified outcomes, whether that be through the adoption of other standards and management systems, such as BS ISO/IEC 27001, or through its own defined processes.

Since the PAS 555 framework defines the outcomes of effective cyber security, it is less likely to change over time whereas the way in which the outcomes are achieved can change.

The PAS is intended for any organization that wishes to establish confidence in its cyber security governance and management. It is applicable to all organizations regardless of their size, type and the nature of their business.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.