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  • BSI
    PAS 1192-2:2013 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modelling
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of PAS 1192-2:2013 2013

This Publically Available Specification (PAS) specifies requirements for achieving building information modelling (BIM) Level 2 – see Figure 1 and Table 1. The requirements within this PAS build on the existing code of practice for the collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information, defined within BS 1192:2007.

PAS 1192‑2 focuses specifically on project delivery, where the majority of graphical data, non-graphical data and documents, known collectively as the project information model (PIM), are accumulated from design and construction activities.

The intended audience for this PAS includes organizations and individuals responsible for the procurement, design, construction, delivery, operation and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure assets. Where possible, generic language has been used, but where necessary, specific definitions are in Clause 3.

Commencing at the point of assessment (for existing assets) or statement of need (for new assets) and progressively working through the various stages of the information delivery cycle, the requirements within this PAS culminate with the delivery of the as-constructed asset information model (AIM). This is handed over to the employer by the supplier once the PIM has been verified against what has been constructed.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.