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  • BSI
    BS ISO 7870-5:2014 Control charts - Specialized control charts
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 7870-5:2014 2014

This part of ISO 7870 establishes a guide to the use and understanding of specialized control charts in situations where commonly used Shewhart control chart approach to the methods of statistical control of a process may either be not applicable or less efficient in detecting unnatural patterns of variation of the process.

The specialized control charts included in this part of ISO 7870 for variables data are:

  1. moving average and moving range charts;

  2. z-charts;

  3. group control charts;

  4. high–low control charts;

  5. trend control charts;

  6. control charts for coefficient of variation;

  7. control charts for non-normal data.

For attributes data, specialized control charts included in this part of ISO 7870 are:

  1. standardized p-charts;

  2. demerit control charts;

  3. control charts for inspection by gauging.

This part of ISO 7870 also provides guidance as to when each of the above control charts should be used, their control limits, advantages and limitations. Each control chart is illustrated with an example.

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