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  • BSI
    BS ISO 5805:1997 Mechanical vibration and shock. Human exposure. Vocabulary
    Edition: 1998
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 5805:1997 1998

This International Standard defines terms relating to human biodynamics or which are used in specific contexts in other standards pertaining to the evaluation of human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock. It provides standard definitions of terms and supplements ISO 2041 but does not contain general terms readily found in dictionaries.


  1. A few synonyms are included among terms defining directions of vibration or shock affecting man, where widespread use of the synonym in the literature on biodynamics or the evaluation of human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock is still current. However, use of the primary standard term (listed first) is preferred, and the use of ambiguous terms is deprecated. References to "shock" in the context of biodynamics are to be understood in the mechanical, and not the medical sense. Mechanical shock (commonly called "impact" when applied to man) is defined in ISO 2041.

  2. References to "man" should be interpreted as applying equally to man or woman.

  3. The numbers appearing before each term are arbitrary within each categorical section: they are used solely for reference purposes, including the facilitation of cross-reference in translation of the primary term between the languages of ISO and its member bodies.

Defines terms relating to human biodynamics.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.