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  • BSI
    BS ISO 15638-1:2012 Intelligent transport systems. Framework for collaborative Telematics Applications for Regulated commercial freight Vehicles (TARV) - Framework and architecture
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 15638-1:2012 2013

This part of ISO 15638 provides the following for cooperative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (4.37):

  1. A framework (4.20) for the provision of cooperative telematics application services for regulated commercial freight vehicles;

  2. A description of the concept of operation, regulatory aspects and options and the role models;

  3. A conceptual architecture (4.7) using an on-board platform and wireless communications to a regulator (4.25) or his agent;

  4. References for the key documents on which the architecture (4.7) is based;

  5. Details of the architecture (4.7) of the facilities layer;

  6. A taxonomy of the organisation of generic procedures;

  7. Common terminology for the ISO 15638 family of standards.

This part of ISO 15638 is based on a (multiple) service provider (4.39) oriented approach.

ISO 15638 has been developed for use in the context of regulated commercial freight vehicles. There is nothing however to prevent a jurisdiction extending or adapting the scope to include other types of regulated vehicles, as it deems appropriate.

NOTE The specific ‘approval’ procedures for specific application services are a matter for the jurisdiction (4.24) and are outside the scope of this (or any) part of 15638. However approval authorities (4.6) are encouraged to use the guidance of ISO 17000 and ISO/IEC 17065:2012 when developing and implementing such procedures.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.