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  • BSI
    BS ISO 11336-1:2012 Large yachts. Strength, weathertightness and watertightness of glazed openings - Design criteria, materials, framing and testing of independent glazed openings
    Edition: 2012
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 11336-1:2012 2012

This part of ISO 11336 specifies technical requirements for independent glazed openings on large yachts, taking into account navigation conditions, and the location of the opening.

Large yachts are yachts with length of the hull, LH, higher or equal to 24 m, in use for sport or pleasure and commercial operations, with a tonnage limitation up to 3 000 gross tonnage, according to the International Tonnage Convention.

The opening and the associated closing appliances considered in this part of ISO 11336 are only those that are above the deepest waterline (dsw) and are critical for the ship integrity related to weathertightness and watertightness, i.e. those that could lead to ingress of water in the hull in case of rupture of the pane.

The scope of this part of ISO 11336 is related to and limited to independent glazed openings.

NOTE This part of ISO 11336 is based on the experience of ship window and glass manufacturers, shipbuilders and authorities who apply to ships the regulations of SOLAS, as amended, and of the International Convention of Load Lines, as amended, noting the provisions by the SOLAS Protocol of 1988, Article 8, as agreed by the appropriate Marine Administration.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.