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  • BSI
    BS ISO 10300-3:2014 Calculation of load capacity of bevel gears - Calculation of tooth root strength
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 10300-3:2014 2014

This part of ISO 10300 specifies the fundamental formulae for use in the tooth root stress calculation of straight and helical (skew), Zerol and spiral bevel gears including hypoid gears, with a minimum rim thickness under the root of 3,5 mmn. All load influences on tooth root stress are included, insofar as they are the result of load transmitted by the gearing and able to be evaluated quantitatively. Stresses, such as those caused by the shrink fitting of gear rims, which are superposed on stresses due to tooth loading, are intended to be considered in the calculation of the tooth root stress, σF, or the permissible tooth root stress σFP. This part of ISO 10300 is not applicable in the assessment of the so-called flank breakage, a tooth internal fatigue fracture (TIFF).

The formulae in this part of ISO 10300 are based on virtual cylindrical gears and restricted to bevel gears whose virtual cylindrical gears have transverse contact ratios of εvα < 2. The results are valid within the range of the applied factors as specified in ISO 10300-1 (see also ISO 6336-3[1]). Additionally, the given relationships are valid for bevel gears, of which the sum of profile shift coefficients of pinion and wheel is zero (see ISO 23509).

This part of ISO 10300 does not apply to stress levels above those permitted for 103 cycles, as stresses in that range could exceed the elastic limit of the gear tooth.

Warning The user is cautioned that when the formulae are used for large average mean spiral angles (βm1 + βm2)/2 > 45°, for effective pressure angles αe > 30° and/or for large face widths b > 13 mmn, the calculated results of ISO 10300 (all parts) should be confirmed by experience.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.