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  • BSI
    BS IEC/IEEE 60980-344:2020 Nuclear facilities. Equipment important to safety. Seismic qualification
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of BS IEC/IEEE 60980-344:2020 2020

IEC/IEEE 60980-344:2020 describes methods for establishing seismic qualification procedures that will yield quantitative data to demonstrate that the equipment can meet its performance requirements. This document is applicable to electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control equipment/components that are used in nuclear facilities. This document provides methods and documentation requirements for seismic qualification of equipment to verify the equipment’s ability to perform its specified performance requirements during and/or after specified seismic demands. This document does not specify seismic demand or performance requirements. Other aspects, relating to quality assurance, selection of equipment, and design and modification of systems, are not part of this document. As seismic qualification is only a part of equipment qualification, this document is used in conjunction with IEC/IEEE 60780-323.
The seismic qualification demonstrates equipment’s ability to perform its safety function(s) during and/or after the time it is subjected to the forces resulting from at least one safe shutdown earthquake (SSE/S2). This ability is demonstrated by taking into account, prior to the SSE/S2, the ageing of equipment and the postulated occurrences of a given number of lower intensity operating basis earthquake (OBE/S1). Ageing phenomena to be considered, if specified in the design specification, are those which could increase the vulnerability of equipment to vibrations caused by an SSE/S2.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.