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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 20182:2024 - TC Tracked Changes. Refractory test-piece preparation. Gunning refractory panels by the pneumatic-nozzle mixing type guns
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 20182:2024 - TC 2024

This document describes the procedure for the preparation of test panels from refractory materials by gunning through pneumatic nozzle mixing type guns at ambient temperatures. The test pieces are for the determination of properties on as-gunned products prepared under either “standard conditions” (as required for quality assurance or product development) or “site conditions”. In the case of “site conditions”, the purpose of the testing is to establish the properties pertaining to a given installation or a given set of installation conditions. In this case, the panel can be obtained during the on-site installation. Parameters such as ambient temperature, gunning elevation, air pressure and curing conditions (temperature, orientation of the panel) applicable during the preparation of the panel are as near as possible to the respective parameters pertaining to the site installation. It is also possible to simulate certain “site conditions” by gunning panels off-site, for example, in a laboratory setting. This is acceptable under this document, by agreement between interested parties. This document does not apply to plastic gunning mixes and to those mixes that contain aggregates that are susceptible to hydration. This document does not apply to shotcrete type mixes, which are dealt with in ISO 18886.

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