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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 19085-11:2024 - TC Tracked Changes. Woodworking machines. Safety - Combined machines
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 19085-11:2024 - TC 2024

This document specifies the safety requirements and measures for combined woodworking machines (defined in 3.1), capable of continuous production use, with manual loading and unloading of the workpiece and hereinafter referred to also as “machines”. The machines are designed to cut solid wood and material with similar physical characteristics to wood (see ISO 19085-1:2021, 3.2). This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, listed in Annex A, relevant to the machines, when operated, adjusted and maintained as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer; reasonably foreseeable misuse has been considered too. Transport, assembly, dismantling, disabling and scrapping phases have also been taken into account. This document applies to machines also equipped with the devices or additional working units listed in the Scopes of ISO 19085-5:2024, ISO 19085-6:2024, ISO 19085-7:2024 and ISO 19085-9:2024. This document does not apply to: a)       machines incorporating a planing unit and a mortising device only; NOTE            Machines incorporating a planing unit and a mortising device only are dealt with in ISO 19085-7:2024. b)       combined machines incorporating a band saw unit; c)        machines with a mortising unit with a separate drive other than the planing unit drive; d)       machines intended for use in potentially explosive atmosphere; e)       machines manufactured before the publication of this document.

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