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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 61010-2-120:2018 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Particular safety requirements for machinery aspects of equipment
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Description of BS EN IEC 61010-2-120:2018 2018

This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:

1.1.1 Equipment included in scope


Add the following new paragraph before the first paragraph:

This group safety publication is primarily intended to be used as a product safety standard for the products mentioned in the scope, but shall also be used by technical committees in the preparation of their publications for products similar to those mentioned in the scope of this standard, in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and lSO/lEC Guide 51.


Replace the first paragraph with the following:

This Part 2 of IEC 61010 specifies particular safety requirements for the following types of electrical equipment and their accessories, wherever they are intended to be used, which fall under a), b), or c) below and present HAZARDS from the power driven moving parts according to one or more of the items 1) to 5) used by the equipment for a specific application.

  1. An assembly, fitted with or intended to be fitted with a drive system other than directly applied human or animal effort, consisting of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, and which are joined together for a specific application.

  2. An assembly referred to in item 1), missing only the components to connect it on site or to sources of energy and motion.

  3. An assembly referred to in items 1) and 2), ready to be installed and able to function as it stands only if mounted on a means of transport, or installed in a building or a structure.

  4. Assemblies referred to in items 1), 2) and 3) or partly completed assemblies which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole.

    A partly completed assembly is equipment which cannot perform a specific application by itself. A partly completed assembly is only intended to be incorporated into, or assembled with, other equipment, thereby forming equipment to which this standard applies.

  5. An assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves and which are joined together, intended for lifting loads and whose only power source is directly applied human effort.


Add the following paragraph at the end of the subclause:

If all or part of the equipment falls within the scope of one or more other part 2 standards of IEC 61010 as well as within the scope of this standard, it will also need to meet the requirements of those other Part 2 standards.

1.2.1 Aspects included in scope


Replace the first sentence with:

The purpose of the requirements of this standard is to ensure that hazards to the operator, service personnel and the surrounding area are reduced to a tolerable level.


Add the following new paragraphs before the note:

Requirements for control systems and devices related to safety are specified in Clause 101.

Protection against hazards during specific operating conditions of equipment are specified in Clause 102.

Protection against hazards during maintenance and service are specified in Clause 103.

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