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  • BSI
    BS EN 9239:2016 Aerospace series. Programme Management. Guide for the risk management
    Edition: 2016
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 9239:2016 2016

This document enables to answer specific needs in the field of Aeronautics although it does not present any sectorial characteristic and may therefore apply to the needs of other areas.

However, the specificity of some areas can lead to the use of existing sectorial standards such as EN ISO 17666 Space systems – Risk management (ISO 17666:2003).

This document:

  • proposes the main steps for setting up Risk Management framework within programme Management. This guideline may serve as a basis for writing a Risk Management specification;

  • describes a process for controlling programme risks within the defined boundaries that are considered as tolerable. This standard process can be used as a methodological guide for writing the programme Risk Management Plan;

  • recognises the need for knowledge management related to Risk Management, in order to capitalize and to share lessons learnt with other programmes, as well as the maturity assessment of the Risk Management;

  • identifies useful documents for Risk Management;

  • proposes an example of a typical checklist of risks related to a programme;

in addition:

  • addresses opportunities. An opportunity is an uncertain event with positive consequences on the programme.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.