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  • BSI
    BS EN 877:2021 Cast iron pipe systems and their components for the evacuation of water from works. characteristics and test methods
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 877:2021 2021

This document specifies product characteristics, test/assessment methods and how to express test/assessment results. Cast iron pipelines kits are usually composed of cast iron pipes, fittings, joints and accessories.

This document covers the range of nominal diameter from DN 40 to DN 600 inclusive.

The cast iron includes grey cast iron and ductile cast iron.

The roof gullies used for siphonic systems are outside the scope of this document.

Sewerage applications are outside the scope of this document.

It is intended to be used for the construction of gravity or vacuum discharge pressurized or unpressurised networks installed inside and/or outside works, above and/or below ground and in construction works.

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