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  • BSI
    BS EN 81-44:2024 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Special lifts for the transport of persons and goods - Lifting appliances in wind turbines
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 81-44:2024 2024

1.1 This document specifies the safety requirements for the construction and installation of power operated lifting appliances installed permanently for indoor or outdoor service in wind turbines and intended for access to workplaces on wind turbines, including rescue and evacuation procedures. A lifting appliance serves defined landing levels and can move persons to working positions where they are carrying out work (which could be from the carrier) and has a carrier which is: a) designed for the transportation of persons and goods; b) guided; c) travelling vertically or along a path within 15° maximum from the vertical; d) supported or sustained by rack and pinion or rope traction drive; e) travelling with a speed not more than 0,7 m/s; f) able to operate in a temperature range between - 25 °C to + 55 °C. 1.2 This document does not cover hazards related to: a) noise; b) the use of the lifting appliance for erection or dismantling of the wind turbine; c) lightning protection; d) use in potentially explosive atmospheres; e) electromagnetic compatibility (emission, immunity); f) transporting of goods outside the carrier; g) the use of combustion engines; h) hydraulic and pneumatic drive units; i) the use of lifting appliances in floating wind turbines; j) use during earthquakes. 1.3 This document is not applicable to lifting appliances manufactured before the date of its publication.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.