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  • BSI
    BS EN 61162-3:2008+A2:2014 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces - Serial data instrument network
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 61162-3:2008+A2:2014 2014

This part of IEC 61162 is based upon the NMEA 2000 standard. The NMEA 2000 standard contains the requirements for the minimum implementation of a serial-data communications network to interconnect marine electronic equipment onboard vessels. Equipment designed to this standard will have the ability to share data, including commands and status, with other compatible equipment over a single signalling channel.

Data messages are transmitted as a series of data frames, each with robust error check confirmed frame delivery and guaranteed latency times. As the actual data content of a data frame is at best 50 % of the transmitted bits, this standard is primarily intended to support relatively brief data messages, which may be periodic, transmitted as needed, or on-demand by use of query commands. Typical data includes discrete parameters such as position latitude and longitude, GPS status values, steering commands to autopilots, finite parameter lists such as waypoints, and moderately sized blocks of data such as electronic chart database updates. This standard is not necessarily intended to support high-bandwidth applications such as radar, electronic chart or other video data, or other intensive database or file transfer applications.

This standard defines all of the pertinent layers of the International Standards Organisation Open Systems Interconnect (ISO/OSI) model, from the application layer to the physical layer, necessary to implement the required IEC 61162‑3 network functionality.

This standard defines data formats, network protocol, and the minimum physical layer necessary for devices to interface. SOLAS applications shall employ redundant designs (for instance dual networks, redundant network interface circuits) to reduce the impact of single point failures. The NMEA 2000 standard provides the fundamental tools and methods to support redundant equipment, buses and messaging. Specific shipboard installation designs are beyond the scope of this standard, however some guidance is given in Annex A.

Relationships between IEC 61162‑1 sentences and IEC 61162‑3 parameter group numbers are given in Annex B.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.