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  • BSI
    BS EN 60730-1:2016+A1:2019 Automatic electrical controls - General requirements
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 60730-1:2016+A1:2019 2019

In general, this part of IEC 60730 applies to automatic electrical controls for use in, on, or in association with equipment for household and similar use. The equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar thermal energy, etc., or a combination thereof.

NOTE 1 Throughout this standard the word "equipment" means "appliance and equipment."

EXAMPLE 1 Controls for appliances within the scope of IEC 60335.

This International Standard is applicable to controls for building automation within the scope of ISO 16484.

This standard also applies to automatic electrical controls for equipment that may be used by the public, such as equipment intended to be used in shops, offices, hospitals, farms and commercial and industrial applications.

EXAMPLE 2 Controls for commercial catering, heating and air-conditioning equipment.

This standard is also applicable to individual controls utilized as part of a control system or controls which are mechanically integral with multifunctional controls having non-electrical outputs.

EXAMPLE 3 Independently mounted water valves, controls in smart grid systems and controls for building automation systems within the scope of ISO 16484-2.

This standard is also applicable to relays when used as controls for IEC 60335 appliances. Additional requirements for the safety and operating values of relays when used as controls for IEC 60335 appliances are contained in Annex U.

NOTE 2 These requirements are referred to in the scope of IEC 61810-1.

NOTE 3 This standard is intended to be used for the testing of any stand-alone relay which is intended to be used as a control of an appliance according to IEC 60335-1. It is not intended to be used for any other stand-alone relay, or to replace the IEC 61810 series of standards.

This standard does not apply to automatic electrical controls intended exclusively for industrial process applications unless explicitly mentioned in the relevant part 2 or the equipment standard.

This standard applies to controls powered by primary or secondary batteries, requirements for which are contained within the standard, including Annex V.

1.1.1 This International Standard applies to the inherent safety, to the operating values, operating times, and operating sequences where such are associated with equipment safety, and to the testing of automatic electrical control devices used in, or in association with, equipment.

This standard applies to controls using thermistors, see also Annex J.

This standard is also applicable to the functional safety of low complexity safety related systems and controls.

1.1.2 This standard applies to automatic electrical controls, mechanically or electrically operated, responsive to or controlling such characteristics as temperature, pressure, passage of time, humidity, light, electrostatic effects, flow, or liquid level, current, voltage, acceleration, or combinations thereof.

1.1.3 This standard applies to starting relays, which are a specific type of automatic electrical control, intended to switch the starting winding of a motor. Such controls may be built into, or be separate from, the motor.

NOTE Starting relays are tested as voltage sensing or current sensing controls.

1.1.4 This standard applies to manual controls when such are electrically and/or mechanically integral with automatic controls.

NOTE Requirements for manual switches not forming part of an automatic control are contained in IEC 61058-1.

1.1.5 This standard applies to a.c. or d.c. powered controls with a rated voltage not exceeding 690 V a.c. or 600 V d.c.

1.1.6 This standard does not take into account the response value of an automatic action of a control, if such a response value is dependent upon the method of mounting the control in the equipment. Where a response value is of significant purpose for the protection of the user, or surroundings, the value defined in the appropriate household equipment standard or as determined by the manufacturer shall apply.

1.1.7 This standard applies also to controls incorporating electronic devices, requirements for which are contained in Annex H.

1.1.8 This standard applies also to controls using NTC or PTC thermistors, requirements for which are contained in Annex J

1.1.9 This standard applies to the electrical and functional safety of controls capable of receiving and responding to communications signals, including signals for power billing rate and demand response.

The signals may be transmitted to or received from external units being part of the control (wired), or to and from external units which are not part of the control (wireless) under test.

1.1.10 This standard does not address the integrity of the output signal to the network devices, such as interoperability with other devices unless it has been evaluated as part of the control system.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.