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  • BSI
    BS EN 60601-1-10:2008+A2:2021 Medical electrical equipment - General requirements for basic safety and essential performance. Collateral Standard: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop controllers
    Edition: 2021
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Description of BS EN 60601-1-10:2008+A2:2021 2021

1.1 * Scope

This International Standard applies to the basic safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems, hereafter referred to as me equipment and me systems.

A2_startThis collateral standard specifies requirements for the development (analysis, design, verification and validation) of a physiologic closed-loop controller (pclc) as part of a physiologic closed-loop control system (pclcs) to control at least one patient variable (i.e. a physiologic variable) in me equipment and me systems.

EXAMPLE A patient variable can be a measure of body chemistry (e.g. electrolytes or blood glucose value), a physical property (e.g. body temperature, electrophysiologic characteristic, hemodynamic quantity), or a pharmaceutical concentration.A2_end

This collateral standard applies to various types of pclc, e.g. linear and non-linear, adaptive, fuzzy, neural networks.

This collateral standard does not specify:

  • additional mechanical requirements; or

  • additional electrical requirements.

This collateral standard applies to a closed-loop controller (see Figure 1) that sets the controller output variable in order to adjust (i.e., change or maintain) the measured physiologic variable by relating it to the reference variable.

A closed-loop controller that maintains a physical or chemical variable, using feedback that is not measured from a patient, is outside the scope of this standard.

1.2 Object

The object of this collateral standard is to specify general requirements that are in addition to those of the general standard and to serve as the basis for particular standards.

1.3 Related standards

1.3.1 IEC 60601‑1

For me equipment and me systems, this collateral standard complements IEC 60601‑1.

When referring to IEC 60601‑1 or to this collateral standard, either individually or in combination, the following conventions are used:

  • A1_start"the general standard" designates IEC 60601‑1 aloneA1_endA2_start, including any amendmentsA2_end;

  • A1_start"this collateral standard" designates IEC 60601‑1‑10 aloneA1_endA2_start, including any amendmentsA2_end;

  • "this standard" designates the combination of the general standard and this collateral standard.

1.3.2 Particular standards

A requirement in a particular standard takes priority over the corresponding requirement in this collateral standard.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.