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  • BSI
    BS EN 50695:2021 Public-address-general-emergency-alarm-system, communication-system for marine applications
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 50695:2021 2021

This document describes operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results for components of public address systems (PA), general emergency alarm systems (GA) and public address general emergency alarm systems (PAGA) for marine applications as in Table 1 in support of the requirements of IMO for such systems, while it is up to the manufacturer to define the components to be type approved together or separately, to build up a system.

This document refers as much as possible to relevant established standards. Where relevant standards do not exist or are not precise enough, this document will describe additionally own operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results.

NOTE 1 This document does not include system engineering for installation on board nor installation requirements.

Table 1 describes the applicable IMO requirements for each combination of ship category and type of system.

NOTE 2 All text of this document, whose wording is identical to that of IMO circular MSC.808 or to SOLAS convention requirements, is printed in italics, and the resolution and associated paragraph numbers are indicated in brackets.

Table 1 Product-ship type matrix




Cargo ship SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1 and .2 LSA Code 7.2.2 SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1 and .2 SOLAS reg. III/6.4
SOLAS reg. III/6.4 LSA Code 7.2
LSA Code 7.2.1 Res. A.1021(26) 5.8
Res. A.1021(26) 5.10
Passenger ship (not SRtP)

SOLAS reg.II-2/12 .1 and .2

SOLAS reg. III/6.4

SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1 and .3 SOLAS reg. III/6.5

LSA Code 7.2.2

SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1, .2 and .3 SOLAS reg. III/6.4, 6.5

LSA Code 7.2

LSA Code 7.2.1 MSC/Circ.808 A.1021(26) 5.8
Res. A.1021(26) 5.10 MSC/Circ.808.
Passenger ship (SRtP)

SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1

and .2

SOLAS reg. III/6.4

SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1 and .3 SOLAS reg. III/6.5

LSA Code 7.2.2

SOLAS reg. II-2/12 .1, .2 and .3 SOLAS reg. III/6.4, 6.5

LSA Code 7.2

LSA Code 7.2.1 MSC/Circ.808 Res. A.1021(26) 5.8
Res. A.1021(26) 5.10 SOLAS reg. II-2/21&22 MSC/Circ.808
MSC.1/Circ.1369/Add.1 SOLAS reg. II-2/21&22

Unless this document explicitly states otherwise, each section in this document applies to all ship types. This document indicates for each section if that section is applicable to PA, GA and/or PAGA systems.

Where this document makes sections applicable to “passenger ships”, these sections apply to both “Passenger ship (not SRtP)” and “Passenger ship (SRtP)”.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.