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  • BSI
    BS EN 303-5:2021 - TC Tracked Changes. Heating boilers - Heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW. Terminology, requirements, testing and marking
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 303-5:2021 - TC 2023

1.1 General This European Standard applies to heating boilers including safety devices up to a nominal heat output of 500 kW which are designed for the burning of solid fuels only and are operated according to the instructions of the boiler manufacturer. This European Standard deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to heating boilers used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). The boilers may operate under natural draught or forced draught. The stoking may work manually or automatically. The boilers may operate under room sealed conditions in case of supervised under pressure in the combustion chamber. The boilers may operate in condensing condition. NOTE This European Standard deals with boilers which are both within and outside of the scope of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. This European Standard contains requirements and test methods for safety, combustion quality, operating characteristics, marking and maintenance of heating boilers and secondary emission reduction appliances and efficiency improvement appliances. It also covers all external equipment that influences the safety systems (e.g. back burning safety device, integral fuel hopper). This European Standard covers only boilers that include burners as a unit. The standard applies to the combination of a boiler body with a solid fuel burner according to EN 15270 as a unit only when the whole unit is tested in accordance with this European Standard. Heating boilers in accordance with this European Standard are designed for central heating installations where the heat carrier is water and the maximum allowable temperature is 110 °C, and which can operate at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 6 bars. For heating boilers with a built-in or attached water heater (storage or continuous flow heater), this European Standard only applies to those parts of the water heater which are necessarily subject to the operating conditions of the heating boiler (heating part). This European Standard does not apply to: heating boilers and other heating appliances which are also designed for the direct heating of the place of installation; cooking appliances; the design and construction of external fuel storage and transportation devices prior to the safety devices of the boiler; room sealed applications above a nominal heat output > 70 kW or operated with positive pressure in the combustion chamber or operated under natural draught; This European Standard specifies the necessary terminology for solid fuel heating boilers, the control and safety related requirements, the design requirements, the technical heating requirements (taking into account the environmental requirements) and testing, as well as the marking requirements. This European Standard is not applicable to heating boilers which are tested before the date of its publication as an EN (European Standard). 1.2 Fuels These boilers may burn either fossil fuels, biogenic fuels or other fuels such as peat, as specified for their use by the boiler manufacturer, in accordance with the requirements of this European Standard. Solid fuels included in this European Standard are categorised as follows. 1.2.1 Biogenic fuels Biomass in a natural state, in the form of: Adaptation to new fuels standards and consideration of new fuels standards in preparation. A log wood with moisture content w ≤ 25 %, according to EN 14961-5; B1 chipped wood (wood chipped by machine, usually up to a maximum length of 15 cm) with moisture content from w 15 % to w 35 %, according to EN 14961-4; B2 chipped wood as under B1, except with moisture content w > 35 %; C1 compressed wood (e.g. pellets without additives, made of wood and/or bark particles; natural binding agents such as molasses, vegetable paraffins and starch are permitted), pellets according to EN 14961-2; (...)

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