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  • BSI
    BS EN 1804-1:2020 Machines for underground mines. Safety requirements for hydraulic powered roof supports - Support units and general requirements
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 1804-1:2020 2021

This document stipulates the safety requirements for the use of support units intended by the manufacturer. Examples of support units are: frame supports, chock supports, shield supports, paired frames and push-pull support systems including the components of advancing and anchoring devices which provide support functions. This document excludes fixing elements on the conveyor, coal-winning equipment, power set legs and rams, valves, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic control units, lighting and signalling facilities and other ancillary equipment. NOTE Some components are discussed in other parts of this series of standards. This document applies for support units that are used at ambient temperatures between −10 °C and 60 °C. This document also applies to support components and support accessories which are provided if the support unit is fitted with stowing equipment. This document identifies and takes account of: - the hazards that can possibly be induced through operation of the support units; - the hazardous areas and the operating conditions that can cause any type of hazard; - the situations that can result in hazards that cause an injury or impair health; - dangers that can be caused through mine gas and/or flammable dusts. This document describes methods for reducing these hazards. Clause 4 contains a list of the hazards discussed. This document does not specify any additional requirements for: - a particularly corrosive environment; - risks associated with manufacturing, transport and decommissioning; - earthquake. A complete hydraulic powered roof support consists of the support units (EN 1804-1:2020), legs and support rams (EN 1804-2:2020) and the hydraulic and electro hydraulic controls (EN 1804-3:2020). Each part of this multipart document addresses the safety requirements of the components mentioned in the scopes of the respective parts of this multipart series. This document is not applicable to all support units manufactured before the date of its publication.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.