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  • BSI
    BS EN 17984-6:2024 Assistance dogs - Accessibility and universal access
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 17984-6:2024 2024

This document specifies requirements and recommendations for the accessibility of public and private spaces and universal access for assistance dog teams in an active status. The accessibility requirements and recommendations for assistance dog teams in this document are applicable across the full spectrum of the built environment both indoor and outdoor (e.g. social service, medical and educational facilities, public institutions, cultural venues, sporting venues, hotel accommodation, public transport, parks, nature reserves). The purpose of this document is to improve the accessibility for assistance dog teams ensuring their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, so that they have the same opportunities as all citizens and can participate independently in all areas of life. This document provides: - specific requirements of assistance dog teams to support accessibility and to achieve universal access; - responsibilities of assistance dog teams to enhance the public acceptance of assistance dogs; - guidance for specific services and areas to be accessed; - guidance for the implementation of accessibility measures at public and private bodies responsible for the built environment including transport and travel systems. This document includes all private spaces where the public are generally admitted, or where the public can be accommodated (e.g. office buildings, waiting rooms, common areas of apartment buildings). This document can be applied to improve accessibility of assistance dog teams in the workplace. This document can be applied to assistance dogs in training and puppies preparing for an assistance dog role.

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