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  • BSI
    BS EN 17487:2024 Protective clothing. Garments with permethrin as-treated articles supporting the protection against tick bites
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 17487:2024 2024

This document specifies requirements for garments that support the protection against tick bites. The document applies to body covering garments (at least covering the torso, arms and legs) where protection against tick bites, which is provided by garments as physical barriers, is reinforced by industrial treatment with the biocide permethrin of the fabrics, fibres or yarns prior to confection. The specified requirements focus on prevention of bites by the nymph stage of the tick Ixodes ricinus, which is the most relevant stage and species for public and occupational health in Europe. This document specifies requirements and the tests for garments containing permethrin to provide sufficient assistance in protection against tick bites, and to be durable and safe for the user. NOTE 1 Non-permethrin containing garments covering the torso, arms and legs and feet offer some protection against tick bites, but are insufficient under high exposure to ticks, which can crawl over the fabric to reach bare skin and bite. Garments that comply with this document and cover at least torso, arms and legs to counter ticks from crawling over the fabric to reach bare skin and bite thereby provide substantial protection. NOTE 2 The importance of following manufacturers laundering instructions to prevent early deterioration of the effect of permethrin treatment is stressed throughout the document.

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