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  • BSI
    BS EN 15509:2014 Electronic fee collection. Interoperability application profile for DSRC
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 15509:2014 2014

The scope for this European Standard is limited to:

  • payment method: Central account based on EFC-DSRC;

  • physical systems: OBU, RSE and the DSRC interface between them (all functions and information flows related to these parts);

  • DSRC-link requirements;

  • EFC transactions over the DSRC interface;

  • data elements to be used by OBU and RSE used in EFC-DSRC transactions;

  • security mechanisms for OBU and RSE used in EFC-DSRC transactions.

The scope of this European Standard is illustrated in Figure 1.

[Image removed.]

It is outside the scope of this European Standard to define:

  • contractual and procedural interoperability requirements (including issues related to a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU);

  • conformance procedures and test specification (this is provided in a separate set of standards);

  • setting-up of operating organizations (e.g. toll charger, toll service provider, trusted third party, etc.);

  • legal issues;

  • other payment methods in DSRC-based EFC (e.g. on-board accounts using integrated circuit cards);

  • other basic technologies (e.g. GNSS/CN or video registration based EFC). However, this European Standard may be used for defining the DSRC-EFC parts for the use in applications that implement a mix of different technologies;

  • non-EFC transactions over the DSRC interface (e.g. CCC and LAC communication, which is defined in other standards);

  • other interfaces or functions in EFC-systems than those specified above (i.e. information flows and data exchange between operators or personalization, initialization and customization of the OBU).

Some of these issues are subject to separate standards prepared by CEN/TC 278, ISO/TC 204 or ETSI ERM.

Figure 2 shows the scope of this European Standard from a DSRC-stack perspective.

[Image removed.]

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.