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  • BSI
    BS EN 12889:2022 Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 12889:2022 2022

This document is applicable to the trenchless construction, trenchless replacement techniques and testing of new drains and new sewers in the ground and usually operating as gravity or pressure pipelines, formed using prefabricated pipes and their joints. Renovation techniques for existing pressure and non-pressure systems are not covered by this document. Methods of trenchless construction include: - manned and unmanned techniques; - steerable and non-steerable techniques. NOTE 1 Mining or tunnelling techniques for permanent structures (e.g. in situ construction or the use of prefabricated segments) are not covered by this document although some parts can apply to these methods. NOTE 2 Trenchless insertion using a pipe plough system is a common method for installing small pipes and cables. The method does not exactly cope with the scope of this document. Therefore, it is described in the informative Annex D. Requirements for associated pipeline installation work other than trenchless construction, e.g. for manholes and inspection chambers, are not covered by this document and are specified in EN 1610. This also applies to pipes that are subsequently installed within entry and exit shafts/pits.

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