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  • BSI
    BS EN 12732:2013+A1:2014 Gas infrastructure. Welding steel pipework. Functional requirements
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 12732:2013+A1:2014 2014

This European Standard contains requirements for the production and testing of weld joints for the installation and modification of onshore steel pipelines and pipework used in gas infrastructure, including in-service pipelines, for all pressure ranges for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas according to EN ISO 13686 and for the carriage of non-conventional gases such as injected biomethane,


  • the pipeline elements are made of unalloyed or low-alloyed carbon steel;

  • the pipeline is not located within commercial or industrial premises as integral part of the industrial process on those premises except for any pipelines and facilities delivering gas to such premises;

  • the pipework is not located within household installations according to EN 1775 ;

  • the design temperature of the system is between -40 °C up to and including 120 °C.

The onshore steel pipelines and pipework used in gas infrastructure include in-service pipelines, for all pressure ranges for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas according to EN ISO 13686 and for the carriage of non-conventional gases complying with EN ISO 13686 , and for which a detailed technical evaluation of the functional requirements (such as injected biomethane) is performed ensuring there are no other constituents or properties of the gases that can affect the integrity of the pipeline.

This standard is not applicable to welds produced prior to the publication of this European Standard.

Table 1 assigns the application areas to quality requirement categories as a function of the working pressure and pipe materials used.

Table 1
Allocation to quality requirement categories
Quality requirement category Area of activity applies to
B Pressure range and base material ≤ 5 bar
Group 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 according to CEN ISO/TR 15608
R t 0,5 ≤ 360 N/mm2
Examples of use: Mains and service pipes in gas distribution systems, pipework in stations
C Pressure range and base material > 5 bar ≤ 16 bar
Group 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 according to CEN ISO/TR 15608
R t 0,5 ≤ 360 N/mm2
Examples of use: Pipelines including pipework in stations and gas distribution systems
D Pressure range or base material > 16 bar a
Group 1, 2 and 3 according to CEN ISO/TR 15608
Examples of use: Pipelines including pipework in stations and gas transmission systems


Rt 0,5 is the specified minimum yield strength according to EN ISO 3183 .


"Category A" for pipework up to and including 100 mbar, as mentioned in the previous version EN 12732:2000 , has been incorporated in the pressure range of "Category B" and has been deleted from this


Gas infrastructure with a MOP up to and including 16 bar is generally dedicated to gas distribution


Pipelines having hoop stresses at design pressure up to 30 % of specified minimum yield strength ( R t 0,5) and operated at a pressure up to 24 bar may be allocated to quality requirement Category C by the pipeline operator.

Additional requirements may be specified when, for example:

  • the strain on pipelines and systems,

  • the materials,

  • the line routing,

  • the design or the welding technique

are considered critical.

This European Standard specifies common basic principles for gas infrastructure. Users of this European Standard should be aware that there can exist more detailed national standards and/or codes of practice in the CEN member countries.

This European Standard is intended to be applied in association with these national standards and/or codes of practice setting out the above-mentioned basic principles.

In the event of conflicts in terms of more restrictive requirements in national legislation/regulation with the requirements of this standard, the national legislation/regulation takes precedence as illustrated in CEN/TR 13737 (all parts) .


CEN/TR 13737 (all parts) contains:

  • clarification of relevant legislation/regulations applicable in a country;

  • if appropriate, more restrictive national requirements;

  • national contact point for the latest information.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.