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  • BSI
    BS EN 12583:2014 Gas Infrastructure. Compressor stations. Functional requirements
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 12583:2014 2014

This European Standard describes the specific functional requirements for the design, construction, operation, maintenance and disposal activities for safe and secure gas compressor stations. This European Standard applies to new gas compressor stations with a Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) over 16 bar and with a total shaft power over 1 MW. For existing compressor stations, this European Standard applies to new compressor units. Where changes/modifications to existing installations take place, due account may be taken of the requirements of this European Standard. This European Standard does not apply to gas compressor stations operating prior to the publication of this European Standard. The purpose of this European Standard is intended to: - ensure the health and safety of the public and all site personnel, - to cover environmental issues and - to avoid incidental damage to nearby property. This European Standard specifies common basic principles for the gas infrastructure. Users of this European Standard should be aware that more detailed national standards and/or codes of practice may exist in the CEN member countries. This European Standard is intended to be applied in association with these national standards and/or codes of practice setting out the above-mentioned basic principles. In the event of conflicts in terms of more restrictive requirements in national legislation/regulation with the requirements of this European Standard, the national legislation/regulation takes precedence as illustrated in CEN/TR 13737. CEN/TR 13737 gives: - clarification of all legislations/regulations applicable in a member state; - if appropriate, more restrictive national requirements; - a national contact point for the latest information. This European Standard does not apply to: - off-shore gas compressor stations; - gas compressor stations for compressed natural gas filling-stations; - customer installations downstream of the point of custody transfer; - design and construction of driver packages (see Annex C). For supplies to utility services such as small central heating boilers reference should be made to EN 1775. Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of compressor stations in a gas infrastructure.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.