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  • BSI
    BS EN 12245:2022 Transportable gas cylinders - Fully wrapped composite cylinders
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 12245:2022 2022

This document specifies minimum requirements for the materials, design, construction, prototype testing and routine manufacturing inspections of fully wrapped composite gas cylinders for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases. NOTE 1 For the purposes of this document, the word “cylinder” includes tubes (seamless transportable pressure receptacles of a water capacity exceeding 150 l and of not more than 3 000 l). This document is applicable to cylinders that comprise a liner of metallic material (welded or seamless) or non-metallic material (or a mixture thereof), reinforced by a wound composite consisting of fibres of glass, carbon or aramid (or a mixture thereof) embedded in a matrix. This document is also applicable to composite cylinders without liners. This document is not applicable to gas cylinders which are partially covered with fibres and commonly called “hoop wrapped” cylinders. For hoop wrapped composite cylinders, see EN 12257. NOTE 2 This document does not address the design, fitting and performance of removable protective sleeves. Where these are fitted, they are considered separately. This document is primarily for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases other than LPG. NOTE 3 For dedicated LPG cylinders, see EN 14427.

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