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  • BSI
    BS EN 1047-2:2009+A1:2013 Secure storage units. Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Data rooms and data container
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 1047-2:2009+A1:2013 2013

This part of the European Standard EN 1047 specifies requirements for data rooms and data containers. It includes a method of test for the determination of the ability of data rooms and data containers to protect temperature and humidity sensitive data media (see 3.5) and hardware systems (see 3.6) from the effects of fire. A test method for measuring the resistance to mechanical stress (impact test) provided by data rooms type B and data containers is also specified.

Requirements are also specified for test specimens, the technical documentation of the test specimens, materials specimens, physical fittings, the correlation of test specimens with the technical documentation and the preparation for type testing as well as test procedures.

In addition, a scheme to classify data rooms and data containers from the test results is given (see Table 2).

As well as providing protection against fire, correctly installed data rooms and data containers offer protection against impacts caused by failure during fire of components and objects external to the data room or data container.

Data rooms and data containers having the same design, protection and construction features (type and thickness of construction and protective materials, rebate geometry, lockings, doors, etc.) will only be given the same protection classification as that of the test specimen if the tolerances are within the ranges specified in Table 1.

NOTE This European Standard does not regulate the use of data rooms in the meaning of the building laws of the respective countries. In the construction of data rooms, the respective national requirements should be considered.

Table 1 — Permitted differences between the series products and the test specimen

Minimum Maximum
Data rooms type A and type B
internal height - 50 % + 50%
internal width - 70 % no limit 1)
internal length - 70 % no limit 1)
Data containers
internal height - 50 % increase not permitted
internal width - 15 % + 50 % 3)
internal length - 15 % + 50 %
Door openings (clear opening dimensions)
height - 50 % increase not permitted
width - 25 % increase not permitted
Compact thickness of walls, the ceiling, floor and door - 3 % 2) no limit
Openings (outside dimensions) e.g. ventilation openings no limit + 15 %

1) For the type test, load bearing structures may be installed in the test specimen. Proof of an existing load bearing structure in the fire endurance test (see 6.6.1) is required if the dimensions of the series product differ from those of the test specimen.

2) Deviations from the tolerance (- 3 % for walls, ceiling, floor and door) are only allowed upon permission by the certification body and/or testing laboratory.

3) Enlargement of the internal width of the data container (maximum + 50 %) in connection with the installation of additional wall panels is only allowed upon permission by the certification body and/or testing laboratory respectively.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.