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  • BSI
    BS 9720:1989 Specification for custom-built transformers and inductors of assessed quality: generic data and methods of test
    Edition: 1989
    / user per year

Description of BS 9720:1989 1989

This British Standard specifies the requirements that manufacturers of custom-built transformers and inductors need to comply with in order to achieve and maintain capability approval to BS 9000, and the component test schedules to be used for the assessment of that capability. It applies to components, including polyphase types, that are primarily intended for use in electronic equipment.

This standard also specifies marking requirements and related symbols and terminology; and describes the methods of test for transformers and inductors that are required by the relevant sectional specifications (which contain the customer’s blank detail specification), and the schedules for the assessment and maintenance of capability.

NOTE 1 The transformers and inductors that are the subject of this specification may include other components essential to the operation of the device, e.g. capacitors associated with constant voltage transformers and resonated windings.

NOTE 2 This standard should be read in conjunction with BS 9000 and BS 9005; such general details and definitions given in those standards as are appropriate to this standard should be held to be part of this standard unless otherwise stated herein.

NOTE 3 The allocation of numbers to generic sectional and blank detail specifications in the 9700 series is given in Appendix A.

Lists the test methods that are used in the test schedules for the assessment and maintenance of capability approval; and selected for inclusion in customers' detail specifications. Also gives marking requirements and relevant terminology.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.