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  • BSI
    BS 7034-4:1988, ISO 7884-4:1987 Viscosity and viscometric fixed points of glass - Method for the determination of viscosity by beam bending
    Edition: 1989
    / user per year

Description of BS 7034-4:1988 1989

This part of ISO 7884 specifies a method of determining the dynamic viscosity of glass on a rod-shaped test specimen (called a beam) supported at its ends. The viscous deflection rate of the beam is measured under a given load at the midpoint between the supports. In addition the viscosity-temperature relationship and the dependence of the viscosity on the thermal history of the sample can be determined.

The viscosity range covered by this method extends from 109 to 1015 dPa s2), corresponding to measuring temperatures between about 900 and 400 °C for all glasses of normal bulk-production compositions.

The procedures are limited to small deflections and to small deflection rates (see 3.6).

NOTE During beam bending, elongation flows of both signs occur (zero passage within the neutral plane). The determination of shear viscosity is possible only with Newtonian or linear-viscoelastic behaviour of the glass. The procedures are sensitive to interference by devitrification of the sample. With viscosities above 1012 dPa s the adjustment of the structure equilibrium within the glass is perceptibly delayed with respect to the temperature setting. For tests within this range it should be agreed whether it is necessary to wait for the final equilibrium viscosity at a given temperature or to take the viscosity value corresponding to a conventional temperature-time programme (see 6.3).

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.