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  • BSI
    BS 6591:1985, ISO 5612-1984 Specification for scraper bars for chain conveyors for mining
    Edition: 1985
    / user per year

Description of BS 6591:1985 1985

This International Standard specifies the requirements for a range of scraper bars for use in twin outboard chain assemblies made from chains complying with ISO 610 and associated shackle type connectors complying with ISO 1082. The range of scraper bars specified is intended for use with chains of diameter 14, 18, 22, 24 and 26 mm in a selected range of chain centres and is clamped tight within the shackle type connectors.

This International Standard is not intended to indicate a complete design, but gives sufficient detail to ensure dimensional compatibility with the associated chains and connectors. Dimensions of section ends of the scraper bars necessary for compatibility between scraper bars and connectors are specified. The centre sections of the scraper bars may be of any design and shape, within the range of dimensions given in Table 1 for the appropriate chain centres. Other dimensions may be subject to national standards or agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

As a guide to the selection of scraper bars for specific applications, scraper bars are rated by determining the force at which a specified minimum deflection is attained, when the bar is subjected to a three-point bend test. The bars can be classified as “light”, “medium” or “heavy”, according to their strength ratings.

Scraper bars for twin outboard chain assemblies for chain conveyors.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.